Let Us Help You Learn Light Language

  • Feeling Disconnected Lately?
  • Wondering How Your Life Could Be More Complete?
  • Experiencing A Deep Sense of Deja Vu?
Most of us have forgotten that we are truly self-sufficient and able to resolve any issues we perceive to be holding us back from achieving our desires.
We Can Help You Reconnect To Your Whole Self,
To Feel Complete and Fulfilled Once Again


Register To Get Access to Our Chakra Balancing Tool

Our bodies consist of “spinning wheels” of energy that, when blocked, can cause disruptions in our physical and mental wellness.  Our video tool will help you calm the noise and speak peace in a new and powerful way.


Akashic Records

Discover your personal connection with the vibrational fields of the Akashic Records. It is here where you can learn to retrieve information about yourself (past, present, and even your potential futures).

You will learn various techniques to open, explore, and read your records. You will participate in exercises that will deepen your understanding of your soul’s progression through lifetimes and who you really are. You will learn how to navigate and use your personal experiences to manifest or create changes in your life.

Some of the topics you will be introduced to are contracts and ancestral connections, how to shift energetic blocks, different realms, dimensions, and universes, how to familiarize yourself with your personal guides, and what your relationship to them means.

Harmonic Resonance

In these workshops, you will learn how to connect with the spirit realm and your own personal guides. You will be introduced to spirit anatomy and learn your own personal intuitive way of connecting to spirit anatomy.

You will learn how to use various tools and techniques designed to expand your awareness of your spiritual team and effectively connect with them. You will also learn about working with portals of light and how these portals can be used to help lost souls move forward.

This workshop will give you the tools you need to effectively be of service to others while expanding your personal spiritual awareness.

Medical Intuitive

These are great workshops to update your intuitive gifts and energy-healing skills.

The Medical Intuitive Workshop is intended for those who want to expand their knowledge of working with the mental, emotional, physical, and etheric bodies using the foundational tools learned in Light Language 101 and 102 Workshops.

You will also learn more about long-distance healing and how the ongoing shift into the Aquarian Age energetically impacts humanity and the world.

Shamanic Journeying

In these workshops, you will learn about the upper, middle, and lower realms of the shamanic worlds, what they represent, and how to work within them.

You will learn how to identify the various energetic beings that you encounter in each realm. You will be introduced to your personal spirit animal and other guides and learn how to communicate with them. You will learn shamanic techniques that will help you to know which energies are in alignment with your highest good and which ones to avoid.

You will learn how to identify the various astral worlds, planes, and multi-dimensional worlds and understand the protocols needed in each world. You will also learn the names and cultural differences of each world.

Spirit Intuitive

In these workshops, you will learn about the different ways that you naturally communicate with the other side.

You will learn how to trust your own unique communication style with spirit. You will learn techniques that will strengthen your intuitive ability to hear clearly from your spiritual team.


Two-Day Workshop
10 AM – 6 PM CST
March 29th and 30th
in River Oaks, Texas

This is a LIVE SESSION and will be taught by Ana Noyce, Founder of Light Language University. You will be responsible for travel, lodging and food–there is a $350 fee for the 2 day course itself.

See Some Of Our Youtube Videos


There are three parts to a human being: mind, body, and soul. Our workshops and classes are about rediscovering that we are not just a physical body with a brain, but also a soul with a spirit anatomy that completes the connection in balancing the mind and body.

Meet the Founder Of Light Language University (LLU)

Courses published

“Light means knowledge in the Greek language. It can also be translated as illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding and wisdom.”
— Sunday Adelaja

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