if you feel the call,
we'll help you get there.
we'll help you get there.
ana noyce
LLU Founder
Certification Paths
Certified Akashic Records Consultant
The Akashic Records are vibrational fields of energy and information that are found within all humans. With the right skills and practice, you too can access both your own Akashic Records and the Akashic Records of others to find any information or answers you may desire!
Our Study Group hours and Practicum hours help you to understand what you have learned in your workshops and how to apply it to reading the Akashic Records.
In your 40 Practicum hours as an Intern, you will work with real clients under the guidance of an Instructor to gain the expertise and confidence to utilize your skills professionally.
Our Study Group hours and Practicum hours help you to understand what you have learned in your workshops and how to apply it to reading the Akashic Records.
In your 40 Practicum hours as an Intern, you will work with real clients under the guidance of an Instructor to gain the expertise and confidence to utilize your skills professionally.
Certified Akashic Records Consultant Path includes all of the following:
- Light Language Workshop 101
- 10 hours LLW101 Study Groups
- Light Language Workshop 102
- 10 hours LLW102 Study Groups
- Akashic Records Workshop Level 1
- 10 hours of Akashic Level 1 Study Groups
- Akashic Records Workshop Level 2
- 10 hours of Akashic Level 2 Study Groups
- 10 hours of Development Group
- 10 Hours of Preparing for Clinic & Clients course
- 40 hours Reading Akashic Records Practicum
- 4 weekly one-hour meetings, one per week, with the Program Instructor to review your Practicum Readings
Certified Shamanic Practitioner
Explore the realms of the Shamanic worlds, what each realm represents and how to work within them. Learn to identify various energetic beings, connect with your personal spirit animal and master your ability to communicate and work with your spirit guides!
Our Study Group hours and Practicum hours help you to understand what you have learned in your workshops and how to apply it to working within your energetic Shamanic Journeys.
In your 40 Practicum hours as an Intern you will work with real clients under the guidance of an Instructor to gain the expertise and confidence to utilize your skills professionally.
Our Study Group hours and Practicum hours help you to understand what you have learned in your workshops and how to apply it to working within your energetic Shamanic Journeys.
In your 40 Practicum hours as an Intern you will work with real clients under the guidance of an Instructor to gain the expertise and confidence to utilize your skills professionally.
Certified Shamanic Journeying Practitioner Path includes all of the following:
- Light Language Workshop 101
- 10 hours LLW101 Study Groups
- Light Language Workshop 102
- 10 hours LLW102 Study Groups
- Shamanic Workshop Level 1
- 10 hours Shamanic Level 1 Study Group
- Shamanic Workshop Level 2
- 10 hours Shamanic Level 2 Study Group
- 20 hours of Development Group
- 10 Hours of Preparing for Clinic & Clients course
- 40 hours Shamanic Healing Practicum Sessions
- 4 weekly one-hour meetings, one per week, with the Instructor to review your Practicum sessions.
- Continuing Education Potential: Herbal Essences Workshop
Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner
Master your ability to work within the mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies of people to influence and assist their health and wellness. Explore distance healing, deep dive into both the physical and spiritual anatomy of the human body and develop mastery of your own intuitive gifts and skill sets!
Our Study Group hours and Clinic hours help you to understand what you have learned in your workshops and how to apply it to working on both your own body and working to help others.
In your 60 Clinic hours as an Intern, you will work remotely with real clients under the guidance of an Instructor to gain the expertise and confidence to utilize your skills professionally.
Our Study Group hours and Clinic hours help you to understand what you have learned in your workshops and how to apply it to working on both your own body and working to help others.
In your 60 Clinic hours as an Intern, you will work remotely with real clients under the guidance of an Instructor to gain the expertise and confidence to utilize your skills professionally.
Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner Path includes all of the following:
- Light Language Workshop 101
- 10 hours LLW101 Study Groups
- Light Language Workshop 102
- 10 hours LLW102 Study Groups
- Medical Intuitive Workshop Level 1
- 10 hours of Medical Intuitive Level 1 Study Group
- Medical Intuitive Workshop Level 2
- 10 hours of Medical Intuitive Level 2 Study Groups
- 10 hours of Development Group
- 10 Hours of Preparing for Clinic & Clients course
- 60 hours Medical Intuitive Clinic
- Continuing Education Potential: Light Codes & Sacred Geometry Workshop
Certified Spirit Intuitive Practitioner
Learn how to communicate naturally with spirit and strengthen your intuitive, innate gifts and abilities. Clearly access and interact with your own spirit team for guidance and assistance at any time and learn to assist others with many issues they may have as a Certified Spirit Intuitive Practitioner!
Our Study Group hours and Clinic hours help you to understand what you have learned in your workshops and how to apply it to working on both your own body and working to help others.
In your 60 Clinic hours as an Intern, you will work remotely with real clients under the guidance of an Instructor to gain the expertise and confidence to utilize your skills professionally.
Our Study Group hours and Clinic hours help you to understand what you have learned in your workshops and how to apply it to working on both your own body and working to help others.
In your 60 Clinic hours as an Intern, you will work remotely with real clients under the guidance of an Instructor to gain the expertise and confidence to utilize your skills professionally.
Certified Spirit Intuitive Practitioner Path includes all of the following:
- Light Language Workshop 101
- 10 hours LLW101 Study Groups
- Light Language Workshop 102
- 10 hours LLW102 Study Groups
- Spirit Intuitive Workshop Level 1
- 10 hours of Spirit Intuitive Level 1 Study Group
- Spirit Intuitive Workshop Level 2
- 10 hours of Spirit Intuitive Level 2 Study Group
- 10 hours of Development Group
- 10 Hours of Preparing for Clinic & Clients course
- 60 hours Spirit Intuitive Clinic
Certified Harmonic Resonance Practitioner
Certified Harmonic Resonance Practitioner Path includes:
- Light Language Workshop 101
- 10 hours LLW101 Study Groups
- Light Language Workshop 102
- 10 hours LLW102 Study Groups
- Harmonic Resonance Level 1 Workshop
- 10 hours of Harmonic Resonance Level 1 Study Groups
- Harmonic Resonance Level 2 Workshop
- 10 hours of Harmonic Resonance Level 2 Study Groups
- 10 hours of Development Group
- 10 Hours of Preparing for Clinic & Clients course
- 40 hours of Harmonic Resonance Readings to practice the HR skill sets
- 4 weekly one-hour meetings, one per week, with the Program Instructor to review your Readings.
To apply for one of our Certified Practitioner Programs...
Please email or call:
LLU Chancellor
Michelle Perris
(469)228-4077 ext. 803